
Sustainable by design
A proprietary mechanism built with machine learning ensures that the RNA applied as a precise pest management tool is designed to have no adverse impact on humans or pollinators. This provides farmers low to no-residue products that are usually equally or even more effective than chemical alternatives with much lower resource intensity per acre.

Our agricultural solutions are designed to degrade quickly in the environment without detrimental impact to the soil, water, or the ecosystems dependent upon them.
We aim to provide effective bio-control of the microorganisms responsible for crop losses, estimated at around 30% of the world’s food supply, by developing a control for fungal pathogens.
We design solutions to target only the pest that the farmer needs to control without harming other organisms, particularly beneficial insects and pollinators, such as honeybees
We are developing RNA solutions to protect honeybees from the Varroa destructor mite. Honeybees are responsible for the pollination of more than a third of all the food we eat and a little more than 80% of the fruits, vegetables, and tree nuts crucial to feeding the planet nutritiously.

Responsibly produced
We are working to measure and reduce our environmental footprint.

The RNA we use for our agricultural products has been produced with yeast recycled from the agriculture and food industries, using our proprietary technology.
We will be analyzing our policies on waste management, energy consumption, and internal operations to ensure we operate as a company aligned with our goal of protecting humans, animals, and the environment.