

In the pipeline: protecting the honeybee

About 3 million commercial honeybee colonies in the United States contribute to pollinating more than 100 crops annually that are worth an estimated $15 billion. The parasitic Varroa destructor mite, which many beekeepers consider to be the top threat to honeybees, reproduces in hives, feeds on honeybees, and spreads disease, destroying colonies across the globe.  

Having acquired the rights to Bayer’s  RNA intellectual property portfolio for bee health, we are developing our RNA-based syrup that targets reproductive Varroa mites, degrades in soil and water, is easy to use, and adds another tool for beekeepers looking for more options.

2022 trial locations

The product candidate has been tested in field trials in several states, and was submitted to the EPA in early 2023 for review. The data from our trials to treat Varroa mite infestation in beehives supports our progress toward commercialization.

Subject to regulatory approval, we plan to launch our Varroa destructor mite-control product in 2024.

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Our purpose

GreenLight’s purpose is to solve some of the world’s largest and most difficult problems by delivering on the full potential of RNA.

Humanity faces numerous challenges. 

There are more than seven and a half billion people sharing the diminishing resources of Earth. This growing population needs to produce more food with the same amount of land and, at the same time, honor the global desire to replace chemical pesticides. Not only are these pesticides facing increased consumer opposition and threat of outright bans due to environmental damage, many are losing their effectiveness.

More than half the world’s population now lives in cities, breathing the same air that carries pathogens and causes infections. Humanity needs to adapt and tackle pandemics both for those who have and for those who do not have equitable access to quality health care around the planet.

To address these issues, we need to develop high-quality, cost-effective solutions that can be deployed on a global scale, including to developing countries. 

We believe RNA can be the critical aspect to these solutions.

There is vast unrealized potential for RNA to begin addressing many of Earth’s biggest problems, but only with the right discoveries, the right development, and the right delivery. 

Many brilliant scientific breakthroughs never achieve their full potential. They are too complex and expensive to be applied on the largest scale, meaning that many people are denied their benefits. Big problems persist, even when we have the science to solve them.

test tubes are loaded into a processor at a GreenLight laboratory in Medford.

The ethos of GreenLight Biosciences is to challenge this dynamic. Our emphasis is to deliver solutions to major problems that are not only highly effective, but also affordable and sustainable. Solutions that reach the whole world, not just its richest parts. 

Our discovery and development expertise, coupled with our proven manufacturing platform, means that we can work successfully with partners to address a whole range of difficult problems, from COVID-19 to the Colorado potato beetle, from sickle cell anemia to the parasitic varroa mites that threaten our honeybees.

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a man sprays a field against a wood in Wisconsin

Our mission

Humanity faces numerous challenges. 

There are more than seven and a half billion people sharing the diminishing resources of Earth. This growing population needs to produce more food with the same amount of land and, at the same time, honor the global desire to replace chemical pesticides. Not only are these pesticides facing increased consumer opposition and threat of outright bans due to environmental damage, many are losing their effectiveness.

More than half the world’s population now lives in cities, breathing the same air that carries pathogens and causes infections. Humanity needs to adapt and tackle pandemics both for those who have and for those who do not have equitable access to quality health care around the planet.

To address these issues, we need to develop high-quality, cost-effective solutions that can be deployed on a global scale, including to developing countries. 

We believe RNA can be the critical aspect to these solutions.

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